bear it/bare it/bear witness

bear it/bare it/bear witness is a multimedia group project that explored reproductive trauma.

Through visual, audio and performance art, this body of work speaks to the artists’ lived experiences and healing from abortion, miscarriage, gender-affirming surgery, hormonal pain, illness and violence.

bear it was exhibited in the Durham Art Guild Truist Gallery in 2022.

Photos on this page were taken by Chris Charles.

No Right Words

no right words (2022) is a collaborative audio poem featuring the voices of myself, Alyssa Noble, Anna Jeffries, Cori Fordham, Jackie Michel, Tara Ilsley and Victoria Bouloubasis, with sound healing by Anna Jeffries. Each person featured recorded themselves sharing parts of their story of reproductive trauma that has been hard to put to words, or that they want others to know.

bear it artists:

Alyssa Noble, Anna Jeffries, Cassandra J. Rowe, Claire Alexandre, Chris Charles, Cori Fordham, Cydni Patterson, Jackie Michel, Joaquín Carcaño, Kiara Chatterjee, Tara Ilsely, Victoria Bouloubasis, Ximena Natera